So to inquire of whether Achilles and Odysseus are black or white are at one degree to misread Homer.

So to inquire of whether Achilles and Odysseus are black or white are at one degree to misread Homer. ‘Black’ (melas) and ‘white’ (leukos) are also – importantly – gendered terms: females are praised if you are ‘white-armed’, but men never ever are. This differentiation discovers its way in to the conventions of Greek (as…

Can I start forex trading at $10?

Can I start forex trading at $10? After you have confidence you can start thinking about making 100k. But at the start – I am thinking how much percent can I make without having much risk. I still can open 10 $ account and see now if I am succesful with real money. And…

Обучение Форекс с нуля Академией Трейдинга

Обучение Форекс с нуля Академией Трейдинга Начинать я бы советовал с суммы не менее 100$, иначе у вас может просто не хватить средств на счету при небольшой просадке, без которых торговля невозможна. К сожалению, среди форекс брокеров очень много случаев мошенничества. Лично у меня основные торговые счета открыты в Альпари. Но дело как раз в…

Is trading in Forex a Ponzi scheme?

Is trading in Forex a Ponzi scheme? A trading journal is an effective way to learn from both losses and successes in forex trading. Keeping a record of trading activity containing dates, instruments, profits, losses, and, perhaps most important, the trader’s own performance and emotions can be incredibly beneficial to growing as a successful trader.…